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Das erkannte Problem und die erste Idee zu tradidog
Oct 13, 2023
The recognized problem and the first idea for tradidog
Kim now works in the feed industry and Bailey accompanies him every day at work and in his free time. In the office, Bailey enjoys the countless cuddles from the...
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Die Entstehung von Tradidog
Oct 13, 2023
The creation of Tradidog
To turn my vision of a high-quality and sustainable supplementary food solution for dogs of all types and at every stage of life into reality and beyond  In order to...
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Das prägende Kindheitserlebnis von Kim
Oct 13, 2023
Kim's formative childhood experience
It was already dark outside and calm was slowly returning. One-year-old Kim was lying in his crib in the nursery because it was his usual bedtime. His parents, Thomas and...
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