The creation of Tradidog

To turn my vision of a high-quality and sustainable supplementary food solution for dogs of all types and at every stage of life into reality and beyond  In order to experience many more beautiful moments with Bailey, I founded the label tradidog® in 2023. In addition to offering an innovative food solution, it was my wish to pass on the knowledge I have gained over the years and the experiences I have gained on the subject of dog nutrition to other dog enthusiasts in order to enable their four-legged friends to live a happy and long life. My theoretical and practical know-how as well as my good feeling for dog needs provided the basis for product development.

The tradidog® label is a supplementary food made from specially selected and processed linseed, which is unique and has a positive health effect for every dog. As a result of the specially developed process, it consists of completely digested linseed and bran. The bran is used to absorb the valuable omega-3 fatty acids in the processed linseed. Its high content of omega-3 in a slowly released form promotes vitality, can contribute to reduced veterinary costs thanks to increased animal welfare and has a positive effect on the dog's coat growth and quality. In addition, thanks to the high proportion of fiber and selenium, it stimulates digestion in dogs, inhibits potentially occurring gastrointestinal inflammations, supports intestinal activity through mucilage and protects the digestive system.

The future of Tradidog

Tradidog® not only has today's dog needs in mind, but is also future-oriented and innovative. That's why the two office dogs, Bailey & Yara, are always happy to be tested. They demonstrably show the direction in which their skin, coat and health develop if they lack the valuable ingredients of the innovative tradidog® range.

In keeping with the fast-moving feed industry, as a tradidog ® founder and long-time dog owner, it is particularly important to me to further develop the tradidog® label in the future. Dog enthusiasts can therefore already look forward to further sub-brands for their beloved four-legged friends!

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